On September 14th 2023, we hosted a conference at Coram Fields in London to mark the conclusion of the first year of the Project. The purpose of this event was to celebrate the achievements and progress made during Year 1 of the pilot projects.

During the conference, we had the opportunity to:

  • Reflect on the key lessons learned so far and look forward to Year 2.
  • Test and refine our action plans for the second year.
  • Collaborate with pilot areas working on similar topics and learn from those addressing different issues.
  • Gain further insights into effective locality leadership.

Representatives from all the pilot projects attended. The photos from the event capture the enthusiasm and value of colleagues coming together in person to share their experiences. Most of the Project has been conducted online. There was a real benefit at this stage for people to meet and exchange thoughts.

The conference was organised by Simon Day and the Isos partnership.

In terms of other updates, over the past few months, LocalEd’s project lead, Jonathan Crossley-Holland has made several presentations about the work of the Project. This has included presenting at the National NGA Conference in July, and leading webinars for the Forum Strategy Group and the Association of Education Partnerships.

Pilot 3 sharing experiences with each other


Sharing experience across Pilots 1, 2, and 3


Ealing Pilot 3 having a discussion while reviewing 2nd Year plans


Pilot Lead briefing the Chair of the Trust, Alan Parker


Pilot 1 and 3 sharing their experiences